Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Suckling Pig - Ubud Bali

Kath and I rented a scooter and were driving North to escape the heat and exceptional busyness of Ubud when I heard suckling pig yelled in my ear at speed. I yelled back, "WHAT?" Pig she said and I stopped the scooter (though she is a vegetarian she knows of and sometimes encourages my love of all things pork). She told me that she saw a whole pig getting served on the side of the road in a rice paddy. I said I love you Jonesy and lets go there for lunch

After completing our sojourn to the mountains and the cool, not the cold, we returned to the spot of said suckling sighting and sure enough, there was a pig, half gone, surrounded by men of all shapes and sizes making grunt like noises and signaling for this or that with their pig grease fingers. Behind the pig was a man with a handlebar mustache that reached his tits, teeth tobaccoed the color of a good buttery beef au jus and a middle aged sun stained woman, her hair piled on top of her head and pig juices and grease covering her to her elbows. Little pieces of meat were stuck below her fingernails and i think I caught sight of a piece of loin near her ear, but whose to tell?

I pointed, I pointed again, they gave a hearty laugh and opened my ginger ale that was home brewed and put into an old corona bottle. The plate came and it was piled high.
* Pig on a plate. Notice the various types of pig from skin, to sausage to chicarron to loin to intestine, to shredded pork salad with ginger sambal
*happy as a pig in shit, literally, as I think I am eating an intestine stuffed with some other part of the pig
* pig with accoutrements. left to right it it is pig juices with meat, pig juices with pig fat, hot sambakl with pig juices and ginger sambal with pig juices, near my foot on the bottom is leftover pig juices and on the top is pig with pig juices * pig face, pig trotters, pig ears, pig innards, and pig delicious

The meal cost less than three dollars and I would have had another but for the need to not always act the glutton, especially when in the presence of others. Suckling pig in Ubud, I miss you.

1 comment:

  1. I think I had an orgasm when I saw that first pic. Dude, you're getting skinny.
